05 January 2018

2017: A year in review

2017 was a weird year, and I'm not referring to the crazy politics and general state of the world. Weird isn't the right word for that. 

For starters, new job, new city, new climbing gym, running routes, and whatnot. 

Luckily, it turns out that I really like my job, the climbing gym is pretty good, and we're living a mile and a half away from some really nice running trails. So although 2017 kinda felt like a year in flux, it was, all in all, a pretty good year.

Granted, there were some bad spots. My grandmother passed away, Ev had a kidney stone epic, and I messed up my thumb/wrist climbing. 

But the year ended on a high note: while in Dillingham over Christmas, Ev asked me to marry him. Apparently if you adopt a panther for a guy, he has to marry you. (Backstory: Ev loves big cats and talks nonstop about wanting one, so I 'adopted' one in his name at a big cat rescue. Then I gave him a framed picture of his new black panther, Amos, for Christmas.)

So that's a thing. Details will probably not follow. 

Anyways, I briefly considered doing an actual blog post, then decided to just get this up so Lorraine stops bugging me. So this is for you, sweetie.