03 September 2014

Whoa. School...

TU Delft is on a quarter system. I honestly have (had?) no idea what to expect, beyond assuming that the classes would be a bit more intensive in order to fit a semester worth of material into 8 weeks.

Man, was I right.

Here's my schedule for this quarter:

It turns out that all the classes are at least 2 hours long. In the case of the Site Characterization class, I have 12 hours of class a week. I also need to get my hands on the text books. Whoops.

Holy school, batman.

On a less traumatic note, the boxes of stuff that we couldn't fit in to our bags arrived. My parents are wonderful and sent over our knives, baking soda, baking powder, Ev's sleeping bag, and my teddy bear. Don't judge me.

Mike (remember him? Awesome guy who took us in on Sunday) gave me some chocolate chips, which means COOKIES! I'm pretty sure he bought the chocolate chips in the States... You can't find chocolate chips, baking soda, nutmeg, ginger, molasses, or pretty much anything else used to make delicious baked goods here. I think it's because for some unknown reason, NOBODY IN THE NETHERLANDS BAKES. Given the fact that everyone in my entire family loves baking, this has been quite upsetting to me. Plus, baking is a stress reliever/coping mechanism for me (and Ev loves it. Actually, the climbing boys love it, too). 

On that note, it's time to go do some marathon training before putting cookie dough in the oven. Assuming, of course, that I can refrain from eating all the dough between now and then. The dough is the best part.

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