13 May 2015

Week of firsts

It's been a week with a couple firsts in it.

For starters, I wore a hole in a (new-ish) pair of jeans from biking so much. Discovered that during class yesterday when I looked down and saw, well, not pants. Maybe I should give up on pants and get some jodhpurs like you ride horses in. A reinforced crotch/inner thigh is probably a good idea.

Secondly, I officially failed my first class ever. Luckily, exams are offered twice a year and you can retake them until you pass. The (hopefully) passing grades overwrite the failing one, so there's no official record on your transcript that you suck at test taking. I'm not super happy about this, especially since I thought I did ok on this exam. I went and talked to the professor, who sat down with me for half an hour and went through the exam with me, so I know what I did wrong. Actually, I feel a lot better having done that, since it was mostly stupid little things and a massive misinterpretation of a question that screwed me. Hopefully I pass the retake at the end of June.

There's a lot of homework, coding, and report writing this quarter. Plus this little gem that showed up in my inbox yesterday after a lecture riddled with math errors (that are present in the notes and study material provided by the prof):

So confidence inspiring.

Anyways, we're off to Paris in a couple hours to meet Colin and do stuff and things. The bucket list currently includes the catacombs, Louvre, Eiffel Tour (duh), and a run along the Seine. Plus whatever else we run across that looks like a good time.

You know what that means! The next blog update will have a little more content. Probably.

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