28 June 2015

Guilt-driven, super overdue blog post

Holy crap I've somehow managed to go 2 weeks (almost 3) without an update. I have no idea where time is going, but I'm pretty sure my brain is going to be mush by the end of this week.

That's right, this is the last week of exams before that magical, mystical thing called 'summer break' happens.

We are prepared for the post-exam experience (mostly). This involves:

- a set of double ropes for Kalymnos multi-pitches
- international drivers licenses for scooter rental
- a set of climbing shoes that won't demolish feet on a long multi-pitch. Mostly broken in.
- a set of kick-ass, super aggressive climbing shoes to be a boss and send those 6b/c tufa routes. But definitely not the multi-pitches, cuz I'm attached to feeling in my toes.
- 21 quickdraws plus 9 extendables
- 4 super sweet multi-pitch routes picked out
- swimsuits
- sunscreen
- a GoPro

Greece is going to be awesome.

We also changed Ev's plane ticket back to the Netherlands from Alaska so he can stay in Fairbanks and work in the office for a month. Something about getting some extra projects and making sure they remember he exists (not like he has a shortage of work).

I am so ready to be done with school. I am mentally and emotionally destroyed after this past year.

And that's it for the guilt-driven blog update. This has been an insane quarter and (obviously) it's wrecked havoc on my previously mostly-regular posts. Sorry about that. Hopefully I'll be better about it after my brain cells have time to recuperate.

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