09 September 2015

Flying Solo

And we're back.

To school.

Because Ev made me come back. Something about finishing what I started. What nonsense.

Anyway, here I am, plugging away, trying to finish up some stuff from last quarter (hopefully will be done this week, if all goes well), figuring out how many credits I need and what classes to take. Trying to remember how to live by myself.

That last bit is the problem. I haven't lived alone in almost 6 years. I left Ev in Fairbanks for a month or two so he can work in the office and deal with some other stuff in the States. Which sucks, since it means I haven't seen him in 29 days and have another 23 to 60 to go (his return date is in flux). I've forgotten how to bachelor it up. Rather than cooking a massive meal once a week, being productive by working on my thesis proposal and research assistantship and/or actually doing the readings for classes, and going for many, many runs, I've been watching a lot of Netflix, not putting on pants, and not being home from school in time to actually go to the store.

In other words, I'm living off cereal, yogurt and applesauce, cheese and crackers, and (one) egg scramble.

There's a solid chance I'm going to run out of food soon and not have a chance to restock. I also may develop problems from my poorly balanced diet. Ev has informed me he's worried about my ability to keep myself alive. Seems fair.

I wish I had something more interesting to write about, but right now my life is pretty dull. I have decided that I hate living alone. And it's hard to convince myself to cook for one.

Anyways, I'll stop boring you with my super exciting life. This is more of an 'oh look, I'm still alive' post. Maybe next week(ish) I'll get around to writing one of the off-topic posts I've been tossing around for awhile.

Or maybe I'll just put on pants when I'm not at school.

That would be a good start.

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