24 October 2015

I'm boring and lazy

So I (obviously) haven't written anything in, like, almost 3 weeks. Sorry about that. My life is quite unexciting. It pretty much consists of:

Wake up
Go for a run (3x a week, or at least that's the goal. I've been doing surprisingly good as far as getting out at least twice in the mornings...)
Try to be productive for a couple hours but possibly end up watching Netflix
Go to class
Be productive
Go to class again
Realize I probably forgot to bring enough food
Go bouldering (~2x a week - it took me a year, but I've managed to establish a group of people who go bouldering with me on Fridays! And sometimes I can get someone to go out during the week)
Bike home, usually in the rain or with a lovely headwind
Try to decide if I want to cook dinner, eat cereal, or order food.
Decide to eat cereal (I've been cooking large amounts twice a week or so, but that ends up being lunch)
If I'm lucky, talk to Ev
Watch Netflix until way too late
Go to bed

As I said, super exciting stuff.

I promise I'll write something... interesting. Eventually. I managed to get my hands on the brand new Minimed insulin pump (not available in the US yet), so there'll be a review of that soon. Good times.

Oh, and it's almost exams again.

Seriously, the quarter system is evil.

But Paige sent me a package. I now have crunchy peanut butter, the lack of which is a serious shortcoming of Europe.

Extra crunchy, in fact. It's so damn amazing.

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