26 December 2015

Merry Christmas! I'm gonna talk about movies and comics now...

I hope everyone had an excellent Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever you happen to celebrate. I must say, I'm super jealous of the people who got to go visit family, or simply get out of dodge and go somewhere for the holidays.

Ev and I spent Christmas in Rotterdam (thrilling). I made some sourdough cinnamon rolls for breakfast, watched an episode of The Flash (yup, I'm still a dork), and then we biked into town and saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

I gotta give the new Star Wars movie credit, it is way less craptacular than the prequel trilogy (as an aside, next time you decide to watch all of them, try the Machete Order. I hear good things). That said, I'm going to say something that might lose me some friends.

I didn't really like it.

In the spirit of not being a total ass, I won't go into detail, but suffice it to say it felt like nothing new happened. There are a couple really, really cool characters that have lots of potential in future films. This film is obviously an attempt to make amends for Episodes I, II and III, and harkens back to the original trilogy, complete with some of the cons that went along with it. But, aside from the big plot twist (arguably there are two), it was visually stunning and that was pretty much it. Honestly, I don't think I needed to see it in theaters. I don't regret seeing it - it was certainly well done and entertaining. But it wasn't anything special.

Of course, I'm more of a Star Trek girl, so there's always that...

I think I'm going to make Ev watch Star Trek: The Next Generation with me when I'm done rewatching Doctor Who. I grew up on Next Gen. I love Next Gen. I also love Voyager. Enterprise is good, but not as good, and Deep Space Nine is great, but... out of place.

When we were biking in to see the movie last night, Ev and I had a conversation about how there are kids (adolescents, really) who have never had a land line, experienced dial up internet, or know what a red shirt is. The first two aren't really a loss. The last one is soul crushing.

On that note, there's a new Star Trek series, and another movie in 2016. Which makes me super happy. Gotta reward myself for graduating somehow.

Actually, I'm looking forward to a couple movies for 2016. Most specifically, I'm excited about Deadpool. Growing up, I read a lot of Batman, X-Men, Ironman (the Demon in a Bottle mini-arc is a personal favorite), and, of course, some of the classics (Avengers, Watchmen, Sin City, etc). And as comic book movies gained popularity, I went and thoroughly enjoyed seeing my imagination in live-action form. Like any good comic book nerd, I have a favorite comic book universe, and I was stoked that for the most part, it seemed like Marvel was doing the movies based on the Ultimate Universe (N.B.: there are a bunch of comic book 'universes' that allow for different story arcs, character development, and artists/styles. This also explains why Marvel could kill Captain America, but not retire him completely. The fact that Marvel is going into the Civil War story arc suddenly became a bit worrisome...). I try to remind myself that the movies, while they try to stay true (ish) to the characters from the comics, have to gloss over and cut things out to be marketable and appeal to non-comic readers. And as long as I remember that, I can thoroughly enjoy them, even if I do mutter 'that's not how that went in the comics' under my breath to Ev occasionally.

And then there's Deadpool. Deadpool is quite possibly my favorite comic book character of all time. I have all the Deadpool comics (in pdf form. I sold my collection when we moved). He's witty, more than a little unstable, and pioneering in several ways, including talking directly to the reader. And completely schizophrenic (no, really, the character is schizophrenic). The Merc with a Mouth is an amazing anti-hero, and when he made an appearance in X-men: Origins (the movie) with his freaking mouth sewed shut, I, like every Deadpool fan ever, was absolutely livid.

When I was home this summer and went in for a touchup on my back, my tattoo artist and I totally nerded out and spent an hour and a half talking about comic books. Mostly Deadpool, and how we're both super excited and a bit apprehensive about the new movie. There are things in the comics that make Deadpool, well, Deadpool, but can't be translated directly to live-action. The movie trailers are giving me confidence that they'll pull it off.

So guess what I'm doing for Valentines Day! That's right, dragging my boyfriend to see a movie that if done right will make me giddy, and if done wrong, will piss me off to no end and he'll have to listen to me rant for who knows how long.

This post was definitely not started with the intention of giving you a glimpse into my weird love of Star Trek and comic books. But that seems to be what it turned in to. Oh well.

To make up for it, here's a picture of my sister's cat in a santa hat.

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