27 February 2016

Yet another cop-out blog

Apparently starting your thesis means you never get to think about anything else. It's... kinda exhausting.

So I think I figured out why my research hasn't been done before: freezing dirt takes a really long time, and tracking long-term strength development takes a lot of freezing cycles. Also, I'm working in a lab and equipment breaks. A lot. You have a schedule? What's that? Screw that. Schedules have no place in a lab.

Oh yeah, I tried (and failed!) to start a fire in a climate and humidity controlled room a couple weeks ago. Luckily I caught it before anything more than a bunch of adapters melted and all my Peltier elements overheated. Note to self: it only takes 1.5 hours for a Peltier element with a failed heat sink (cooling system) to go from -15C to +38C. This raised the temperature of the room almost 2 degrees.

Obviously, my committee is giving me a hard time about this.

My life is not very exciting by any standard that doesn't involve living in a lab and breaking dirt occasionally. Good times, good times.

Sanity is slipping away.

My attempts at exercise have been a bit lacking lately. I've been running home from Delft once or twice a week, and attempting to run to and from the climbing gym on the weekends when Ev and I go. Did I mention that Ev is climbing again? I missed that. Having a trusted belayer is the best, plus, for the first time possibly and probably ever, I might be a better climber than him. That won't last, but I'm gonna ride that train as long as possible.

And that is the story of my life. Exciting stuff, I know. I think I'll start working up a post that has a little more substance to it but for now, this is yet another 'hey guys, I'm still alive' post.

Here's a picture of some frozen dirt.

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