23 April 2016


I've had adventures recently. Really, I swear. Legitimate adventures in far off and wonderful places. But I haven't sat down and written about them yet. I'll get around to it soon. I promise.

To hold you over, here's a preview of what's to come (I lied. It's not coming).

We went on holiday to Bonaire with Ev's dad, stepmom and aunt. Which was awesome.

And of course, it's springtime in the Netherlands.

On a personal level, I started an actual fire (complete with flames. It was a small fire, I promise) in the lab, had one of the worst days I can recall (everything is broken. Literally everything. I punched a wall and it helped), managed to swear in three languages in one breath in front of a group of visiting researchers (oops), and finally replaced my running shoes.

Exciting stuff.

Soooooo stay tuned?

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