02 August 2016

Wheeeeeeeee Alaska!

The move back to the states is complete and Ev and I are settling back in to the wonderful world of Alaska. I gotta say, I missed Fairbanks, the people, the low population density, the wilderness, and the thai food. And our friends, I suppose.

It's a bit weird being unemployed and living in my parent's basement, but that's temporary and I have no pride. Or at least, I'm pretending I don't. 

Anyways, there's not a whole lot to report right now. We keep trying to get on the river for some magical wilderness adventures and camping, but the water levels are suuuuuuuper high and my broken rib has me nervous about long, technical paddles. Apparently I'm a giant wuss. Or afraid of dying. Take your pick.

Its been an... let's say interesting few days. Ev's best friend was in an accident as was evac'd to Seattle, so there's some stress and worry on that front. My best friend was in a head-on collision that totalled her car. Luckily, she, her husband, and the dogs are ok. 

So maybe not the best time to be really good friends with us. 

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