09 October 2016

Yup, I'm doing nothing

The job search continues. Over the last couple months, I've sent out way too many emails, had a couple interviews, and become unfortunately familiar with the refrain 'We would be very interested in bringing you on. However, we don't have enough work right now. We'll let you know as soon as things pick up.'

Stupid economy.

I'm pretty sure the whole point of grad school was to make myself uber-employable so finding a job would be easy. How naive I was. I forgot to factor in the falling oil prices decimating the available funds in Alaska.

Holy crap, unemployment is boring.

On the plus side, I've been able to relax and do basically whatever I want. There's been a lot of climbing, running, and more reading than I've had time for in who knows how long. So that's a perk. I've also been able to do travelling and plan trips to visit my grandparents and go to a couple weddings. Granted, funding them is a bit... let's say challenging, but I don't know when I'll be this flexible again. Might as well take advantage of it. 

A couple weeks ago Ev, Colin and I ran the Equinox relay. We managed to make up a team of fantastic, slightly messed-up individuals, so we obviously called ourselves Mostly Broken. We have shirts and everything. 

Between Ev's knees, my ankles, and Colin getting himself charbroiled in a propane explosion, we're pretty much awesome. And apparently inspiring. Enough that Colin got himself mentioned in the newspaper. Apparently our team name was cheeky. And we all average around a 10 minute mile, which was pretty sweet. So go us. Next year, I'll do the full marathon and get the big-boy shirt.

So yeah. Life update. Thrilling stuff. Stay tuned for something more interesting at some point. It'll come. Probably. 

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