13 October 2018

It's been a busy summer

It has been pointed out to me that I am really overdue for a blog post. 

When I tried to claim that my life isn't that exciting and nothing new has happened, it was pointed out to me that since my last post I've gotten married, am in the process of buying a house, and done lots of outdoors adventuring.

Basically, I'm full of shit.

So yeah, welcome to the fall 2018 edition of "Amy's life in short sentences and lots of pictures". 

I feel like I've spent more time in a dress this summer than I have, like, ever. My sister got married mid-June in a beautiful back yard wedding (which for obvious reasons stressed my mom out, since it was her yard and the gardens had to be perfect. Which they were.). They had a very traditional ceremony and reception, which suited them perfectly and was a lot of fun. The extended family came up for the wedding and it was lots of fun having everyone together.

Plus, we got a couple pics of the Steinettes with everyone's eyes open (a minor miracle).

It also took all the pressure of me and Ev, since we kinda didn't invite anyone to our wedding.

On September 4, we forced our immediate families and a couple very close friends to hike up to the top of Crow Pass with their camping gear. People didn't complain too badly, probably because we also brought up cupcakes and champagne.

Actually, we forgot the cupcakes in Anchorage and made Daniel swing by the house to get them on his way up. Colin and I hiked down to the parking lot to meet him and carry them up, which resulted in a super close encounter with a mountain goat who did not give a shit. It was awesome.

So anyway, everyone managed to hike the 3 miles uphill, pitch a tent, and have a lovely evening in the mountains.
The tent farm, aka what happens when you attend my wedding
There was lots of goofing around, camp food, and Adam's impressive little wood-burning stove thingy that you could make smores on. Which was super awesome, except Rachael couldn't seem to get her marshmallow cooked evenly and was very sad.

On September 5, Ev and I got all dressed up, borderline hypothermic, and married. Adam performed the ceremony, which, this being Adam, could have been anything from super serious to a rambling dick joke. He struck a nice middle ground and it was pretty much perfect. Rachael did a very impressive job with my hair in the tent, and nobody died of cold. 

On Monday, everyone reconvened for a quasi-reception dinner and Paige made us cake. And it was awesome.


But wait, there's more! 

Because apparently I am incapable of having just one big event, we ended up with several small-ish things. The official wedding reception was in Dillingham. This served two purposes: first, it gave my parents an excuse to go to Dillingham, since they'd never been and that really needed to get fixed. Second, Dillingham is awesome and it was a good excuse for people to come visit.

And visit they did. Lorraine came all the way from the Netherlands to hang out with us for a week and come to our reception. All she asked was to see a moose or two, so naturally, Alaska obliged. 

So people converged on Dillingham and it was magical. Lorraine and I fondled some marine silt, and Ev and I napped on the couch. Also, we had a really really good dinner with people we care about. Apparently wedding receptions are mostly an excuse for your friends to tell embarrassing stories about you.


And that just about catches us up on the last, oh god, 3 months. 

Well, mostly catches us up. But I gotta save something for later, right?

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