04 October 2014

Late Again...

As was probably to be expected, it has been a crazy week (and a half... oops). Went to Belgium last weekend for an "excursion" for one of my classes, thus costing me a weekend and a Monday, and triggering several late nights this week in a desperate attempt to catch back up. Of course, 75% of the work that I feel behind on as a result of this mandatory school adventure is for the class that cost me the weekend in the first place.

I'm not bitter at all.

The good news is, I'm finally feeling remotely caught up. You know, as much as you can when you have 30 hours a week of class plus reports. And by "caught up" I mean that I probably only have 6 hours of work to do this weekend.

As of right now, it's 6:45pm Saturday night and I have spent the day running random errands and attempting to find a different bike. We also went to Ikea. That was... interesting. I'll go into it when I have more time to form coherent and amusing sentences.

Now I should probably start pulling that lab report together before it's due (tomorrow). I think I have found the perfect companion for this task:

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