09 October 2014

On the Evils of Word

So shortly after publishing my blog update last Saturday, I opened the lab report to find that the rearranging, editing, and copious number of hours (by myself and my lab mates) had been deemed inadequate by Microsoft Word. This wasn't a case of "oh crap, forgot to save," but a case of "let's move stuff into places it has never and should never be, duplicate random sections and turn 80% of the document into figure headings with hyperlinks. 

I was, needless to say, pissed. To the extent that Ev almost took my laptop away because he thought I was going to huck it across the room.

It took me about 5 hours to un-break the report, and then I passed it over to lab mate Stephen to format it in LaTeX. As of 8pm Saturday, Word and I are fighting and I am learning how to use LaTeX so this never happens again. (It should be noted that LaTeX is a formatting program and not a word processor, but it's pretty sweet and produces beautiful documents and, most importantly, doesn't destroy the work of four people on a whim.)

It sure feels like I'm back it school. 

After finishing the lab editing Sunday morning, Ev and I left Rotterdam and went to Den Haag. A change of scenery was definitely in order, and the weather was nice. Plus, a friend had mentioned something about a tasty falafel stand by his apartment.

We wandered around downtown for a couple hours. We've been to Den Haag a couple times now, but always to the beach (and in one case to a couple bars with aforementioned friend), so this was our first real taste of the city itself. Much to our delight, we found a couple cigars. We're saving them for an occasion (doesn't have to be special. I've decided that pretty much anything different and not bad when going to graduate school and living in a foreign country can be counted as a "special occasion" and thus should probably just drop the "special" bit), but they'll go very well with the scotch acquired Saturday. 

Then we wandered around until my eye was caught by a cooking store.

I'm a Steiner. We love kitchens and cooking. Both sisters and I head straight for the kitchen whenever we are in a new house to give it the once-over, and my professional-chef-baby-sister opens the fridge. I'm pretty sure when she came up to help out with my broken ankle last year she rearranged our fridge and pantry. 

Anyway, kitchen store. Obviously, it must be a happy, happy place, and boy, was I in need of a happy place. We went in, and I was thrilled to discover that this was no tiny kitchen store. This was a massive store with everything you could ever want and then a bunch of stuff you didn't know existed but you definitely also want. It's surprising I didn't buy a bunch of stuff, but that is probably because we picked up a sweet wok at Ikea and Rachael mailed me a couple heat-proof spatulas and cake pans and whatnot. Regardless, it took a lot of self control to not buy a couple of these amazing items:

They're so cute! And Le Creuset-y! I could totally make individual pot pies in them...

Speaking of pot pie, I baptized the massive new pan on Sunday by making waaaaaaaaaay more pot pie filling than I meant to. That pan is huge, and I filled it up. 

Luckily, we have tupperware and a freezer. Half the filling went into a delicious pot pie (that we proceeded to eat for the next three days), and the rest is chilled, waiting for me to buy more flour and butter to turn it into a tasty American classic.

People always say that pie crusts are really hard to make, but I have not found that to be the case. Or maybe my general philosophy that recipes are more like guidelines that can be manipulated and ignored means that I've lucked my way into making ok pie crusts. Regardless, buttery and delicious.

Now it is almost Friday, which means just over 24 hours until Ev and I hop a plane to Geneva and head to Chamonix with our buddy Ryan for some sick climbing. We have a 6 pitch route picked out, so if the weather holes it's going to be an awesome, challenging day. Plus, the top pitch is a beautiful 5.9 dihedral that I think I'm going to have to fight Ryan to lead. 

There will be pictures and it will be awesome.

Now I suppose I should go to class, then finish this weeks lab report and the part of a group project that we decided we would be finished with tomorrow. After all, this weekend is for play only.


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