18 July 2014

Holy Crap, I Have a LOT of Rocks!

So this packing thing is fully underway. I've been boxing up our stuff (or getting rid of large amounts of it) while Ev finishes up his last week of work. I've also been selling stuff.

Dude, Craigslist is amazing.

So far, I've sold everything I've put up on it with the exception of our couch (speaking of, anyone want a really awesome couch?). The wine rack was up for 20 minutes (for real) before it sold. The rugs are all gone. The bookcase is gone. I even sold my comic books to the guy who bought one of the rugs. He saw the box and went "what are you doing with those?" I've been trying to talk myself into putting them on Craigslist but haven't been able to commit, so after we nerded out for a bit, he offered me a chunk of change for the box. It was hard to see them go, but it's for the best. At least they're with someone who also has a massive comic book collection (a small consolation, I suppose).

The house is starting to look empty.

It's hard to think about doing anything else during the chaos of moving. Getting out to climb or run actually takes some convincing to do (highly unusual). Of course, I'm much more productive and happier with a little exercise, but that doesn't stop it from feeling like time that could be spent packing. Not better spent, mind, just spent differently.

For the record, I have a lot of rocks. Obviously they're not coming with us to the Netherlands, but I'm having a hard time packing them up. There may be something wrong with me.

I feel like I should be putting pictures up, but no one wants to see a house that looks like a hurricane hit it. And I didn't take any before pictures.

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