24 July 2014

The Final Countdown- part 1

In one week our adventure officially kicks off. Or at least, officially changes venues.

This has been a productive week (largely out of necessity, but also because we like to feel at least a little prepared). We're officially moved out of our apartment. It turns out that when you live in the same place for 3 years, you accumulate more stuff than one might think. 4 Value Village runs, 3 trips to the transfer site, and 2 aggressive attempts to pawn stuff off on our friends later, we have a slightly more manageable amount of stuff.

As we started to put some of our stuff into my parent's attic for storage a couple days ago, Ev noticed that one of the steel plates at the truss joints in the attic was separating. Further preliminary inspection revealed that the attic roof had, for all intents and purposes, catastrophically failed and is no longer structurally sound. After impressing the seriousness of the situation upon my parents, they promised to have the attic inspected by a structural engineer and have a contractor fix it. It's so COOL watching Ev do his thing- recognizing and addressing structural failures like the attic is what he does. Like, exactly what he does professionally. As I said, super cool. I love me a good structural engineer.

So as our days in the US dwindle, we're trying to see everyone.

It's going to be hard leaving all the awesome friends we have here. I suppose that means we should probably stay in touch...

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