09 July 2014

Rocks and Roadtrips

There’s something to be said for living in the moment. Playing hard. Doing exactly what you want. Whatever. Ever since we decided to move to Europe, pretty much every weekend has been an adventure of some variety. Want to go climbing after work and get home at 1am? Sure, why not. Go for a long hike? Hell yes. See how lost you can get on a trail run? Always a good time. Sing along to early-2000’s rock in the car? Full volume, please.

For the long weekend, a (large) group of us went to Hatchers Pass for some not-Grapefruit climbing. I think this was the first time I’ve ever car camped, and I must say, it freaking rocked. When you don’t have to pack all of your camping stuff into a backpack, the quality of food skyrockets.

The climbing was, for lack of a better word, amazing. We had 2 days of beautiful blue skies (apparently a rarity), and the company was excellent.

Did I mention it was pretty?

Also, we had an INSANE amount of gear. Like, completely and utterly excessive. Like, "let's go climb El Cap and still have extra gear" amounts of gear.

And a little attitude…

It saddens me to think that this may have been our last big climbing expedition before we leave. Of course, we’ll keep playing hard, both before and after we move. But there’s a lot to be said for having good people to play with. People who make you laugh so hard you have to sit down because you’re getting light-headed, or fall of the wall because of a dick joke.

I have some really awesome people in my life. Actually, I've had really awesome people around me for as long as I can remember. It's kind of, well, awesome. And I know we'll stay in touch when we move, but while we're still here, making memories is fun. Really fun.

Also, it was SO PRETTY (but, as Jesse would say, did you expect it not to be pretty?)!

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